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-We understand how important your child's nutrition is, Zhi De Family Day Care emphasizes fresh and natural foods.

*Organic vegetables
*Fresh Fruits
*Whole grain breads
*Organic chicken
*Homemade lunch
-My Zhi De Family Day Care will supply your child with
*Lunch ( at 11:00am - 12:00pm )
*Afternoon Snacks ( at 2:00pm )


- Parents will supply all formula and baby food for infants until the child is 12 months old or can safely eat the regularly scheduled meals.
- If a child has a particular dietary need, substantiated by a medical evaluation, I must be informed and given a doctor's note.  Substitute meals or snacks may be bring from home.

Lunch and Snack Time


- Lunch time and snack time, like other scheduled activities, are exceptionally good learning times, children can learn to serve themselves, to eat with a group, and try new foods.














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